LLynfi Surgery Appointment System

How do I book an appointment?

Telephone or attend the surgery between 8.30 and 16.30 (mornings are busiest).

The receptionist will ask you some information to help book you into the correct type of appointment.

For all nurse appointments, medication review and doctor follow up appointments you can phone between 8.30 and 16.30 and book up to 3 weeks in advance.

For routine appointments for new problems you can phone between 8.30 and 11.00 for a same day appointment.

If you need follow up for an ongoing problem let the receptionist know - for continuity of care follow up appointments can be booked with the doctor who knows you 3 weeks in advance 

If you live in Bryn let the receptionist know so an appointment in Bryn can be made for you - these can be made up to 3 weeks in advance

For Urgent problems where a same day response is needed please call between 08.00 and 18.30. You can pre book a face to face appointments up to 3 weeks in advance – let the receptionist know this is what you want.

If you have a telephone appointment and a Face to Face appointment is wanted or needed this will be arranged at the time of the telephone call.

Chronic Disease Monitoring and Medication reviews:

You will be notified via phone, letter or text when it is time for your review. If you believe you are overdue please contact a member of our reception team.

Reviews provided:

Asthma Review, Blood pressure, Diabetes Review, COPD review, Learning disability review, Dementia review, Medication review

Family Planning and Smear clinics:

Family planning appointments can be accessed via telephoning the appointment line between 8.30 and 16.30 and our staff will text you a link to complete information needed

Smear clinics can be access by using my health online or via the telephone appointment line between 8.30 and 16.30, they can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance.

Bryn Surgery

We have a branch surgery located in Bryn next to the community centre

From here we can dispense prescription medication to all residents in Bryn.

To make an appointment when you contact reception let the receptionist know you live in Bryn.


After Surgery Hours:

 If an emergency arises after the surgery is closed and you need medical advice or need an urgent GP appointment telephone 111 or go to NHS 111 Wales


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

Telephone System:-

Llynfi Surgery has one of the latest digital telephone systems.  With this system you will hear a recorded message.

NOTE:  Our lines are particularly busy at 8.30a.m, when booking routine appointments, it is therefore prudent to ring outside these times for Nurse appointments or any other reasons. Thank you for your co-operation, as this allows us to manage incoming calls more efficiently.  

If you are ringing to speak to a doctor, the receptionist will take your telephone number and request the doctor to ring you back.

Our telephone queuing system helps to lighten the load on the switchboard and shorten the time that patients have to wait on the telephone.

All calls in and out of the surgery are recorded for accuracy and training purposes.

G.P. Training Practice - Llynfi Surgery is a training practice for future general practitioners and at times we have fully qualified doctors spending some time with us before going into practice on their own.  We hope that you will consider these doctors as members of our practice.

Links To Useful Resources:








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